Monday, September 27, 2010


From his blog:

I’d like to meet folks involved in the manufacture of chicken strips – bonus if you got access to free samples. I make comics, jokes, and movie stuffs. I’ve slung my jokes at the Hollywood Improv, Comedy Store, Upright Citizen’s Brigade, and the Ice House, as well as various bowling alleys and bars.

I’m featured on National Lampoon Radio, wrote and produced animation with dudes from Ren & Stimpy, the Simpsons and Jackass, as well as the Wolverine & the X-Men cartoon. I’m an associate editor at I was also a regular contributor to the current events humor app, This Just In, where I hopefully became the only writer to ever get a stripper joke in the Huffington Post.

Currently, I’m in Kansas City, making stuff, eating chicken strips and de-evolving into a dog with thumbs.

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